Will dark matter be able to stop the expansion of the universe?

2 Answers

It is generally thought that dark matter accelerates the expansion of the universe.


However, as dark matter has yet to be directly observed or experimented upon, no definite answer can be provided.

Apr 5, 2018



The effect of dark matter on the expansion of the universe is purely speculative. As dark matter can not be observed directly ( hence the name dark matter) it is very difficult to determine the effect of dark matter on other matter.

The most recent speculation is that it is dark energy that is increasing the rate of expansion of the universe.

Three studies of supernovas in 1997 and 1998 determined that the rate of the expansion of the universe was increasing not decreasing. Based on the empirical evidence definitely NO the existence of dark matter will not stop the expansion of the Universe. Dark matter will not even slow the rate of expansion of the universe.

Before the Supernova Studies the prediction based on the oscillating universe theories was that the rate of the expansion of the universe would be slowing causing the expansion of the universe to stop and reverse. The empirical evidence disproved this prediction and damages the validity of the oscillating universe concept.

Dark matter will not stop the expansion of the universe. The rate of the expansion of the universe will continue to increase and the universe will eventually expand to maximum entropy leaving a dead and empty universe.