Is it possible to have en electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of #99.7# nm and an energy of #1.99*10^-18# J?

2 Answers
Apr 9, 2018



Energy of an electromagnetic wave is given by

#"E" = "hc"/λ#

Here, #"c"# and #"h"# are constants.

Speed of electromagnetic wave is approximately #3 × 10^8\ "m/s"#. So, after plugging in the values of #"E"#, #"h"# and #lamda# if we get value of #"c"# approximately equal to #3 × 10^8\ "m/s"# then we can say that the wave is possible.

#"c" = "E λ"/"h" = (1.99 × 10^-18\ "J" × 99.7 × 10^-9\ "m")/(6.626 × 10^-34\ "J s") ≈ 3.0 × 10^-8\ "m/s"#

∴ The given conditions are possible for an electromagnetic wave.

Apr 9, 2018

#E=hf=(hc)/lambda# where:

  • #E# = Energy (#J#)
  • #h# = Planck's constant (#6.63*10^-34# #Js#)
  • #c# = speed of light (#~3*10^8ms^-1#)
  • #lambda# = wavelength (#m#)


A photon can have an energy of #1.99*10^-18J# and a wavelength of #99.7nm#