What is political socialization?
1 Answer
Political socialization is the process by which younger generations are taught their political culture(values, norms, identity...).
Every political system or state has it's own political culture that distinguishes it from other states.
It is therefore required that the younger generations learn to be part of the state or political system by learning the way of life of the state in which they find themselves.
Hence this process by which the younger generations of a state learn or are taught their political culture is what is known as political culture.
For a successful political socialization, there is the need for agencies like:
The family
The school
Religious organizations*
Peer groups
The Mass Media
Political Parties...
For the methods of political socialization, there is a direct method and the indirect method.
The direct method implies the process of making conscious efforts to teach the younger generations of their political culture or the process whereby the younger generations consciously learn of their political culture.
The Indirect method implies the process whereby political culture is unconsciously handed over to the younger generations.
Political Socialization is a life-long process but it is very crucial at the formative years(early childhood).