What is 0 divided by 0?

3 Answers
Apr 28, 2018

not 0 not 1


the mass of a photon of light is 0 grams at rest and thus the photon has no mass. When a photon is released by a source it travels at the speed of light c approx (3*10^8) m/s.

at this speed the mass of the photon is calculated by the equation

m(o) = (m(i))/(sqrt(1-V^2/C^2)

m(i) mass at rest
m(o) mass at speed
hence the mass of a photon when moving is 0/0

Gravity can only act on a mass. As light passes around a planet or star or gravitational body, it bends. This bending of light can only be caused if the photon has mass. Thus 0/0 is not equal to 0.

Also look at the affect of light on what is called a light sail.

Apr 28, 2018



0/0" is not possible to evaluate and for this reason is"

Apr 28, 2018



When you have a fraction, let say 20/4 you find 5 as the result because 5 x denominator is the numerator (5xx4=20)

When you have 0/0 whichever number a you put as a result verifies the fraction because 0 xxa=0. For this reason it is imposible to determine the result. This is the reason because is called indeterminate