A container with a volume of #6 L# contains a gas with a temperature of #650 K#. If the temperature of the gas changes to #350 K# without any change in pressure, what must the container's new volume be?

1 Answer
May 8, 2018

You can use Charles' Law for this:

#V_1(T_2) = V_2(T_1)#

Find your values:

#V_1# = #6# liters
#V_2# = #?#
#T_1# = #650# K
#T_2# = #350# K

and plug them in:

#6(350) = V_2(650)#

Multiply #6# and #350# to get #2100#, which gets you to

#2100 = V_2(650)#

Divide both sides by #650# to get #V_2# by itself:

#2100/650 = color(red)(3.2308)#

And that's your final answer. The container's new volume must be #3.2308# liters.

Note that if the temperature were in Fahrenheit or Celsius you would have to convert to Rankine or Kelvin, respectively - as Charles' Law only works with an absolute temperature scale. However, since the given temperatures were in Kelvin, no such conversion is necessary.