X values = -6, 2 and 10. y values = 1, 3 and 5. Which equation is satisfied by all the points in the table?

dont really know how to solve this and am struggling to get a better grasp of it

1 Answer
May 17, 2018




#x=-6, 2, 10# and #y=1,3,5#

This means the coordinates of these three points are:

#(-6,1)#, #(2,3)#, and #(10,5)#

Let's first see if they can be on a straight line. If a straight line goes through the first two points its slope would be:


If a straight line goes through the second and third point its slope would be:


This means all three points are on one straight line with a slope of #1/4#. Therefore, the equation of the line can be written in the form of #y=mx+b#:


#b# is the #y#-intercept of the line and we can solve for it by using the coordinates of either one of the three points. We will use the first point:




Then the equation of the line is:
