How do you simplify #6-5[8-(2y-4)]#?

1 Answer
Jun 3, 2018

Using the Order of Operations PEMDAS


Think about it this way

If you get hurt in PE class call a doctor an MD ASap

First all exponents and parenthesis have to be resolved PE
Then all multiplication and division MD. remember a doctor is one person so multiplication and division are treated at the same time working from left to right.
Then all addition and subtraction AS remember As soon as possible is one time so addition and subtraction are treated at the same time working from left to right.

# 6-5 {8 - (2y -4)} = 6-5 { 8 -2y + 4} multiply -1 across the ( )

# 6 -5{ 8 +4 - 2y} associative property of addition

# 6 -5 { 12 - 2y} combining like terms.

# 6 - 60 + 10 y multiply - 5 across the ( )

# -54 + 10y # combining like terms

# 2 ( - 27 + 5y)# dividing out common factor of 2