What are 10 rattlesnake adaptations?

1 Answer
Jul 19, 2018

The adaptations are enlisted below.


Rattlesnake is a venomous reptile included in the same category with pit vipers.

Like almost all snakes, there are unique adaptations seen in rattlesnakes. These are:

  1. Absence of limbs
  2. Absence of external ear

Both these adaptations help them to live and move in narrow holes/cracks.

  1. Rattlesnakes possess a thermal sensor, a heat sensing pit (like pit vipers) in front of the eye to sense and follow warm-blooded preys, mostly rodents.
  2. Tip of the tongue of rattlesnake is forked.
  3. They can smell particles that get attached to the forked end of tongue with special olfactory organ.
  4. As the snakes try to swallow still alive preys, they possess lots of teeth inside mouth other than the fangs.
  5. Jaws of snake are attached by ligaments making these very flexible: so a snake can swallow a very large prey.
  6. There are paired poison injecting fangs in the upper jaw, connected to venom glands.


  1. Rattlesnakes camouflage well with its surrounding due to typical coloration on scaly skin.
  2. A special warning device is present in rattlesnake after which it is actually named. Rattle is modified dry skin at the end of the body. A rattling sound is made by tail vibrations.
