Are you asking about a plot of Boyle's Law?
Boyle's Law is
PV = k or P = k/V
There are three common ways of plotting Boyle's Law: P vs. V, P vs. "1/"V, and PV vs. V.

P vs. V
A plot of P vs. V is a hyperbola.
Remember that (PV)/T = k or P = (kT)/V.
If we increase the temperature, the new value of kT will be higher, and the new graph will be above the original plot.

P vs. "1/"V
Since P = (kT)/V, a plot of P vs. "1/"V is a straight line with a slope kT starting at the origin.
If T increases, the slope kT increases, and the new graph will be above the original plot.

PV vs. V
A plot of PV vs. V is a horizontal straight line, because PV = kT = "a constant".
If T increases, kT increases, and we get a new horizontal line above the original plot.