This is a mis - leading question as the -ve E_(cell)^@ value tells us that the reaction cannot happen as written left to right under standard conditions.
For a reaction to occur the free energy change must be -ve:
This means E_(cell) must be positive for this to occur. In this case we are told E_(cell)^@=-0.271"V".
However, we are not under standard conditions since pH=5.6 and under standard conditions pH=0.
So we need to use The Nernst Equation:
E_(cell)=E_(cell)^@-0.05916/(n)logQ" "color(red)((1))
(At 25^@"C")
We are told the reaction has reached equilibrium. At this point the potential difference between the 2 half - cells has fallen to zero.
So color(red)((1)) becomes:
Note we have replaced Q with K.
n=8 which is the number of moles of electrons transferred.
K=([NO_3^-][H^(+)]^(2))/([NH_4^(+)]pO_2^(2))" "color(red)((2))
We can find [H^(+)] since pH=5.6
We are told pO_2=0.18"Atm". We can use this in the expression since the values used for K are normalised against standard conditions for which p=1"Atm" and K is dimensionless.
Now we can put values into color(red)((2))rArr
This, and the tiny value of K, tells us that the equilibrium lies almost completely to the left and the equation should more correctly written right to left.
Another mis - leading aspect of what I consider to be a badly written question is that the E^@=1.5"V" value given is not needed.