Question #5baca

1 Answer
Nov 1, 2016

We know that density of any substance is defined as mass per unit volume. It has units of kgm^-3
Density rho="mass"/"volume" .....(1)

Now coming to specific problem. We need to define the expression 'an average egg' used in the problem. We know that it is not only the birds who lay eggs but fish, turtles, snakes, frogs and insects also lay eggs. As such the text of question is quite ambiguous, as there is no such thing as an average egg.

Assuming that the student has a hen's egg, out of all, in mind. Here too from household experience we know that fresh hen eggs sink in water. Whereas If an egg is very old or rotten, it floats in water. Keeping law of flotation in mind we can say that density of a fresh hen egg is more than the density of water whereas a very old hen egg has a density less than the density of water. We know that density of water at 4^@"C" is 1000kgm^-3 .

Keeping above discussion in mind, my opinion is student needs to

  1. Collect a number of eggs as a sample field.
  2. Ascertain experimentally the volume and mass of each egg. Volume can be found out by the displacement of water method and mass using a balance.
  3. Calculate the density of each egg using (1) above.
  4. Calculate the average density of the eggs in the sample field.
  5. State the result so obtained.