What is the difference between the division in mitosis compared to meiosis?

1 Answer

Mitosis is an equal division, while the meiosis is a reductional division.


  1. Mitosis is a equal divisional, while the meiosis is a reductional division. Both the divisions have prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.
  2. In the case of meiosis these four stages are further are completed into two stages as the prophase-1, prophase2, and so on. The prophase-1 has five sub-stages.
  3. In the mitosis the number of chromosomes remain same into the two daughter cells, while in the case of meiosis the number of chromosomes become half compared to the mother cell into the four daughter cells.
  4. Mitosis is found into the vegetative cells and helps in the process of growth and development, while the meiosis is confined into the reproductive cells and helps in the process of sexual reproduction. Thank you