Question #aa923

1 Answer
Jun 30, 2017

The number of orbitals present in a given subshell.


For starters, you should know that the angular momentum quantum number, l, designates the energy subshell in which an electron is located inside an atom.

The magnetic quantum number, m_l, designates the specific orbital in which the electron is located.

As you know, orbitals are located in subshells, which in turn are located in energy shells.


This implies that the values that the magnetic quantum number can take depend on the values of the angular momentum quantum number, which, of course, depend on the values of the principal quantum number, n, which designates the energy shell in which the electron is located.

Now, the number of orbitals located in a given subshell is given by

color(blue)(ul(color(black)("no. of orbitals" = 2l + 1)))

In other words, the number of values that the magnetic quantum number can take for a given subshell, i.e. for a given value of l, is given by 2l+1.

Let's take the example illustrated in the image.

For the second energy level, n=2, you have two possible subshells, i.e. two values for l

  • l = 0 -> denotes the 2s subshell
  • l=1 -> denotes the 2p subshell

Now, the 2s subshell can only hold 1 orbital because

"no. of orbitals in 2s" = 2 * 0 + 1 = 1

The 2p subshell can hold 3 orbitals because

"no. of orbitals in 2p" = 2 * 1 + 1 = 3

In other words, the magnetic quantum number can only take 1 value for the 2s subshell (or for any s subshell)

n=2, l=0 implies m_l = 0

and 3 values for the 2p subshell (or for any p subshell)

n=2, l=1 implies {(m_l = -1), (m_l = 0), (m_l = +1) :}

You now know that 2l+1 will tell you the number of orbitals present in a given subshell.