Question #fb349

1 Answer
Jul 18, 2017

Here's what I got.


As you know, we can use four quantum numbers to describe the position and spin of an electron in an atom.

I assume that you're fairly familiar with how they work, so I won't go into too much detail here.


So, you know that you must find the sets of quantum numbers that can be used to describe an electron located in the 4d subshell, i.e. in one of the 5 possible 4d orbitals.

The number added in front of the subshell tells you the energy level on which the subshell is located, i.e. the value of the principal quantum number, n.

In your case, you have the 4d subshell, so you can say that

n = 4 -> the fourth energy level

The d subshell is described by an angular momentum quantum number, l, that takes the value

l = 2 -> the d subshell

For the d subshell, the magnetic quantum number, m_l, can take one of five possible values

m_l = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} -> five orbitals in the d subshell

Each value of the magnetic quantum number describes one of the five orbitals present in the d subshell.


Finally, each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons of opposite spins, which implies that the spin quantum number, m_s, can only take two possible values

m_s = {-1/2, 1/2} -> two electrons of opposite spins

So, you can say that the 4d subshell can hold a maximum of

5 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("orbitals"))) * ("2 e"^(-))/(1color(red)(cancel(color(black)("orbital")))) = "10 e"^(-)

that can be described using the following sets of quantum numbers--each individual orbital is shown in a different color

  • n=4, l=2, color(blue)(m_l = -2), m_s = -1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(blue)(m_l = -2), m_s = +1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(purple)(m_l = -1), m_s = -1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(purple)(m_l = -1), m_s = +1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(red)(m_l = 0), m_s = -1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(red)(m_l = 0), m_s = +1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(darkgreen)(m_l = 1), m_s = -1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(darkgreen)(m_l = 1), m_s = +1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(darkorange)(m_l = 2), m_s = -1/2
  • n=4, l=2, color(darkorange)(m_l = 2), m_s = +1/2