What is a terrestrial ecosystem?
1 Answer
A terrestrial ecosystem is a type of ecosystem found only on biomes.
The primary ecosystems that exist are Tundra, Taiga, Temperate Deciduous forest, Tropical Rain forest, Grasslands, and Deserts.
Terrestrial environments are segmented into a subterranean portion from which most water and ions are obtained and an atmospheric portion from which gases are obtained and where the physical energy of light is transformed into the organic energy of Carbon- Carbon bonds through the process of photosynthesis.
Characteristics include :
1) Lower availability of water ( as compared to aquatic ecosystems) and the consequent importance of water as a limiting factor.
2) Greater temperature fluctuations on both a diurnal and seasonal basis.
3) There is greater availability of light favoured by a transparent atmosphere.
4) Availability of gases is more. Carbon dioxide serves as a substrate for photosynthesis, Oxygen serves as a substrate in aerobic respiration and Nitrogen serves as a substrate for nitrogen fixation.
5) Organisms in the terrestrial ecosystem are adapted to factors
like acquisition of water, prevention of evaporation of water from body surface, traits providing body support in the atmosphere as well as traits to withstand extremes of temperatures. They also have evolved many methods of transporting gametes in the environment.
The most productive ecosystems are the temperate and tropical forests and the least productive are deserts and tundra.
The smallest land areas are occupied by tundra and temperate grassland ecosystems and the largest land area is occupied by tropical forest.