Can someone tell me the singular possessive, plural, and plural possessive of each of these words?

  1. book
  2. hem
  3. exercise
  4. company
  5. piano
  6. movie
  7. waitress
  8. lady
  9. dormouse
  10. life
  11. costume
  12. church
  13. cloak
  14. test
  15. hurricane
  16. briefcase
  17. goose
  18. cliff
  19. Jones
  20. Hickman

1 Answer
Apr 21, 2018

Answer below.


I'm not going to list out every single one, because that would take a really long time. But, I will tell you how to do this for any word.

To make a word singular possesive, just add an apostrophe followed by an 's' to the end of the word. EXAMPLE: Bob - Bob's.

To make a word plural, just add an 's' to the end of the word. EXAMPLE: apple - apples.

To make a word plural possesive, just add an apostrophe to the end of the word. EXAMPLE: dogs - dogs'.

There are some exceptions to this. For example: children - children' ? WRONG! It would be: children's (plural possesive).

If you need to find out more exceptions or additional information, Google would probably be the way to go!