Cups A and B are cone shaped and have heights of 39 cm and 25 cm and openings with radii of 17 cm and 13 cm, respectively. If cup B is full and its contents are poured into cup A, will cup A overflow? If not how high will cup A be filled?

1 Answer
Sep 7, 2016

Cup A will not overflow. Cup A will be filled to a height of 28.12cm


cone's volume formula = pir^2xxh/3
h=height, r=radius

Cup A, height 39, radius 17, vol = 11803.0 cm^3
Cup B, height 25, radius 13, vol = 4424.4 cm^3

As Cup A's volume is larger than Cup B's, Cup A will not overflow.

Now if 4424.4 cm^3 of water is poured into Cup A, then Cup A will be filled to a height of h1, at this height, the radius is, say, r1.

r/h = (r1)/(h1) => r1=(rh1)/h
=(pi/3) ((r^2(h1)^3)/(h^2))
(h1)^3= (3Vh^2)/(pir^2)
(h1)^3= (3xx4424.4xx39^2)/(pixx17^2) =22236.0

h1= 28.12 cm

r1= 17xx28.12/39 = 12.25 cm