How are electronegativity, electron affinity, ionization energy, atomic radius, ad reactivity all interrelated?

1 Answer
Jul 13, 2018

reactivity is affected by the all of the factors electronegativity, affinity ionization energy and atomic radius.


Atoms with very high or very low electronegative are the most reactive of elements. Those with high electronegativity will have a greater pull for electron density than most atoms causing them to be reactive. Atoms with a very low electronegative will be very reactive because it very easy to lose election density.
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Electron affinity is the the attraction for electrons. It is very similar to electronegativity. For an atom to react with another atom there must be a sharing or interaction of the electron density of the two atoms. The affinity of attraction for electrons will cause the sharing of electron density that will hold the two atoms together.

ionization energy is the force with which an atom holds on to its electrons. VIII atoms have such a high ionization energy that the atoms are unreactive. Magnesium has a low ionization energy for its first two electrons which allows Magnesium to form two bonds. The ionization energy for the third electron is very high. preventing the formation of a third bond.

The larger the atomic radii the further the electrons are from the nucleus. The further from the nucleus the easier it is for the atom to lose electrons and react with other atoms.