How do you convert 0.9 into a percent and fraction?

1 Answer
Jul 22, 2016



A decimal fraction such as #ABCD.PQRST....# can be written as

#Axx1000+Bxx100+Cxx10+D+P/10+Q/100+R/1000+S/10000+T/100000+....# in fractionor simply


or #(ABCDPQRST)/(100000)#

In percentage it would be #(ABCDPQRST)/(100000)×100= (ABCDPQRST)/(1000)=ABCDPQ.RST#

As we have one digit in #0.9# immediately to the right of decimal point, it can be written as #9/10#.

To convert a fraction into percentage, just multiply it by #100# and percentage sign #%#. Hence
