How do you find the determinant of ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9))?

1 Answer
Mar 26, 2016

The determinant is 0.


Since column 3 of the given matrix consists of numbers which are all constant multiples of each other, there is a theorem which states that the determinant of this matrix is 0.
However, I will prove it from calculation just to verify and show how you would calculate such determinants should you not be aware of the theorems of linear matrix algebra.

Use co-factor expansion along any row or column of your choice.

This involves adding the products of the entries in each row with their co-factors (-1)^(i+j), for an entry in row I and column j, multiplied by the minor of the entry, formed by evaluating the resulting determinant when you delete row I and column j.
In this case, since the given matrix is 3xx3 in dimension, it will result in three 2xx2 determinants which we can find from definition

I will take co-factor expansion along row 1 as an example to find the determinant of the given matrix as :



