We have #(-30/7)+ -6#. We could use a calculator to find the decimal value of #-30/7# and then add it to #-6#, but let's solve this using fractions.
So, #-30/7+ - 6# can be rewritten as #-30/7-6/1#. In order to add or subtract fractions, the denominators must be equal. To do that, let's multiply #-6/1# by #7/7#. That gives us #-42/7#.
Now we have #-30/7-42/7#. I don't know about you, but I don't like dealing with negatives, so let's just factor out those negatives, which would give us #-(30/7+42/7)#. Now we just add the numerators and leave the denominators alone. We should arrive at #-(72/7)#. Factor that negative back in and we have #-72/7#