If a nutrient is in short supply in an ecosystem, how will it affect an organism?

1 Answer
Dec 4, 2017

There are many possible ways in which the organism can be affected when a nutrient is in short supply.


The organism will have to compete for the nutrient in short supply. It may have to compete other members of the same species, which is called intraspecies competetion, or it may have to compete with members of another species, which is called interspecific competition.

This could result in death if competition is not successful. Also, the organism may be able to find an alternative source for the nutrient in its habitat. If unsuccessful, the organism may emigrate to another habitat in order to find a source of the nutrient. If that is not successful, it may die. If it had not reproduced before it died, it would have a fitness of zero because none of its genes would be passed on an to an offspring.

The image below shows prairie dogs competing for food. This is an example of intraspecific competition.
