Jasper can type 1,125 words in 30 minutes. At this rate, how many words can Jasper type in 50 minutes?

1 Answer
May 16, 2016

#color(green)(1875)# words in 50 minutes


Let #x# be the number of words Jasper can type in #50# minutes.

This is a basic ratio type of question. We assume that the ratio of words to minutes remains constant.

#color(white)("XXX")(1125" words")/(30 " minutes") = (x " words")/(50" minutes")#

This can be rearranged as
#color(white)("XXX")x" words" = (1125 " words"xx 50 cancel(" minutes"))/(30 cancel(" minutes"))#

#color(white)("XXXXXXXX")= (color(red)(cancelcolor(black)(1125)^color(black)(375)) " words"xx 5color(blue)(cancelcolor(black)(0)))/(color(red)(cancelcolor(black)(3)color(blue)(cancelcolor(black)(0))#

#color(white)("XXXXXXXX")=1875" words"#