One unit of density is #"g"/"cm"^3#. How do you say that unit in words?
1 Answer
Grams per cubic centimeter.
One important thing to remember about units that use fractions is that the fraction itself is pronounced as per.
In this case, you are given a unit of density,
This tells you that the unit that goes on top of the fraction, i.e. in the numerator, will be a unit of mass and the unit that goes on the bottom of the fraction, i.e. in the denominator, will be a unit of volume.
Here you have grams,
#"g"/"cm"^3 = "grams"/"cubic centimer"#
Now all you have to do is use the fact that the fraction is pronounced per to get
#"g"/"cm"^3 = "grams"/"cubic centimer" = color(darkgreen)("grams per cubic centimer")#
You'll sometimes see density given as
#"cm"^(-3) = 1/"cm"^3#
This is once again read as
#"g cm"^(-3) = "g"/"cm"^3 = "grams"/"cubic centimeter" = color(darkgreen)("grams per cubic centimer")#