The equation of a line is #3y+2x=12#. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the given line?

2 Answers
Jul 11, 2016

The perpendicular slope would be #m=3/2#


If we convert the equation to slope-intercept form, #y=mx+b# we can determine the slope this line.


Begin by using the additive inverse to isolate the #y-term#.

#3y cancel(+2x) cancel(-2x)=12-2x#

#3y=-2x +12#

Now use the multiplicative inverse to isolate the #y#

#(cancel3y)/cancel3=(-2x)/3 +12/3#

#y=-2/3x +4#

For this equation of the line the slope is #m=-2/3#

The perpendicular slope to this would be the inverse reciprocal.

The perpendicular slope would be #m=3/2#

Jul 11, 2016



Convert to the standard form #y=mx+c# where #m# is the gradient.

The gradient of a line perpendicular to this one is:


Divide both sides by #color(blue)(3)# so that #3y" becomes "y#

#color(brown)(3y+2x=12" "->" "3/(color(blue)(3))y+2/(color(blue)(3))x=12/(color(blue)(3))#

Subtract #2/3x# from both sides


Thus the gradient of this line is #-2/3#

So the gradient of the line perpendicular to it is:

#(-1)xx (color(white)(..)1color(white)(..))/(-2/3)#
