What are some common examples of protists?
1 Answer
Amoeba, paramecium, algae etc...
Protists are unicellular colonial or simple multicellular organisms that possess a Eukaryotic cell organisation. All protists are eukaryotic and have evolved from prokaryotes. These are placed in a separate Kingdom called as Protista or protoctista.
Following are the few examples of Protists:
- Ameoba:
Amoeba is an animal-like protist that can be found in soil as well as in freshwater and marine environment. Amoeba is unicellular and lack flagella. Amoeba move by forming specialised cytoplasmic projections called pseudopodia.
Paramoecium is also an animal-like protist that belong to Ciliate class of protozoa. Paramoecium is a unicellular eukaryote. In Paramecium the surface of the cell is covered with several fine, short, hair like structures called Cilia which help paramecium in motility and also in ingesting their food.
Algae are plant like photosynthetic protists carrying out probably"50 to 60% of all photosynthesis on earth. Algae exhibit a remarkable rate of growth forms. Some are unicellular other are filamentous. Almost all the algae are aquatic but when actively growing, algae are restricted to damp environments.
Algae can be brown algae, green algae and red algae. Amongst these green algae are photosynthetic.
Hope it helps...