What are the roles of the hormones FSH, LH, and DHEA. How are they all different? Please be specific :).

1 Answer
Apr 4, 2017
  1. FSH is Follicle Stimulating Hormone , secreted by anterior pituitary gland.

In females it promotes growth of ovarian follicle, which in turn triggers release of oestrogen in blood stream.

In males, the hormone helps the Sertoli cells of testes to sustain spermatogenesis and subsequent maturation of sperms.

2.a) LH or Leutenising Hormone is released from anterior pituitary in females; it is a midcycle event in case of normal menstrual cycle .

LH release is triggered by high oestrogen level in blood: immediate effect of LH is release of egg from ovary in fallopian tube, i.e. ovulation.

2.b) Corresponding hormone in male is often referred as ICSH or Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone . It acts on interstitial cells of Leydig and influences the cells secrete testosterone.

3.DHEA is Dehydroepiandosterone , a hormone released by adrenal cortex. This hormone is weak androgen (male hormone so to say) and is present naturally in both male and female system. It promotes appearance of body hair (specially in pubic area) in both males and females. Probably it also uplifts mood.