What is 0 divided by 0?

3 Answers
Apr 28, 2018

not 0 not 1


the mass of a photon of light is 0 grams at rest and thus the photon has no mass. When a photon is released by a source it travels at the speed of light c approx (3108) m/s.

at this speed the mass of the photon is calculated by the equation

m(o) = m(i)1V2C2

m(i) mass at rest
m(o) mass at speed
hence the mass of a photon when moving is 00

Gravity can only act on a mass. As light passes around a planet or star or gravitational body, it bends. This bending of light can only be caused if the photon has mass. Thus 00 is not equal to 0.

Also look at the affect of light on what is called a light sail.

Apr 28, 2018



00 is not possible to evaluate and for this reason is

Apr 28, 2018



When you have a fraction, let say 204 you find 5 as the result because 5 x denominator is the numerator (5×4=20)

When you have 00 whichever number a you put as a result verifies the fraction because 0×a=0. For this reason it is imposible to determine the result. This is the reason because is called indeterminate