What is the density of water vapor at 25 C?

1 Answer
Aug 1, 2017

Well, by assuming ideality, we can use the ideal gas law.

#PM = DRT#,


  • #P# is pressure in #"bar"#.
  • #M# is molar mass in #"g/mol"#.
  • #R = 0.083145# is the universal gas constant in #"L"cdot"bar/mol"cdot"K"#.
  • #T# is temperature in #"K"#.
  • Hence the density #D# shall be in #"g/L"#.

And we obtain:

#color(blue)(D) = (PM)/(RT)#

#= (("1 bar")("18.015 g/mol"))/(("0.083145 L"cdot"bar/mol"cdot"K")("298.15 K"))#

#=# #color(blue)ul"0.7267 g/L"#

If not assuming ideality, it can be estimated by the van der Waals equation of state:

#P = (RT)/(barV - b) - a/barV^2#,


  • #barV = V/n# is the molar volume.
  • #a# accounts for intermolecular forces, and shall be in units of #"bar"cdot"L"^2//"mol"^2#.
  • #b# is the excluded volume, and shall be in units of #"L/mol"#.

The van der Waals constants of water are #a = "5.536 bar"cdot"L"^2//"mol"^2# and #b = "0.03049 L/mol"#. To solve for the mass density, we would have to rearrange this into the cubic molar volume form.

Get common denominators:

#P = (RTbarV^2 - a(barV - b))/((barV - b)(barV^2))#

Multiply through...

#P(barV - b)(barV^2) = RTbarV^2 - a(barV - b)#


#PbarV^3 - bP barV^2 = RTbarV^2 - abarV + ab#

Rearrange to get:

#ul(PbarV^3 - (bP + RT) barV^2 + abarV - ab = 0)#

This is in general difficult to solve, but an iterative method exists called the Newton-Raphson method:

#x_(n+1) = x_n - (f(x_n))/(f'(x_n))#

In this case, #x_n = barV_n#, and #f(barV_n)# is the cubic equation shown above. The form of the ratio is:

#(f(x_n))/(f'(x_n)) = (PbarV^3 - (bP + RT) barV^2 + abarV - ab)/(3PbarV^2 - 2(bP + RT) barV + a)#

So, to solve this, let:

  • #barV = X = "take a guess number"#
  • #P = 1#
  • #bP + RT = 24.82017175#
  • #a = 5.536#
  • #ab = 0.16879264#

with the appropriate units. Thus, put the following into your TI calculator to solve for #barV# at #25^@ "C"#, or #"298.15 K"#:

#(X - (X^3 - 24.82017175X^2 + 5.536X - 0.16879264)/(3X^2 - 49.6403435X + 5.536)) -> X#

Then, press enter until your answer converges. There are three "answers" you would get:

  • One molar volume for the liquid phase
  • One molar volume for the gas phase
  • One molar volume in between them that makes no physical sense.

I got it to converge by taking some guesses...

  • Starting at #x = 0.05#, I get a molar volume of #"24.5954 L/mol"#, or a mass density of #color(blue)ul"0.7325 g/L"#.
  • Starting at #x = 5#, I get #"0.188372 L/mol"#.
  • Starting at #x = 20#, I get #"0.0364321 L/mol"#.

The first answer is for the gas, and that's all we're looking for here. (I got the density as

#D = M//barV#.)