What is the difference between a sister chromatid and a non-sister chromatid?

2 Answers

Chromatids of same and other chromosomes.


Sister chromatids are of the same chromosomes, while the non-sister chromatids are of the different chromosomes. Thank you.

Nov 16, 2016

Sister chromatids belong to same chromosome while nonsister chromatids belong to different members of homologous pair.


In diploid eukaryotic cell, chromosomes are present in paired condition. A pair of same chromosomes are called homologous .

Each chromosome during synthesis phase of interphase undergo duplication of DNA. When cells enter in divisional phase, the chromosomes undergo dehydration and shorten by coiling. Hence each duplicated chromosome appears to be made up of two sister chromatids during prophase (first phase of division).

Chromatids of corresponding homologous member are called non-sister chromatids.
