What is the function of molecular chaperones during protein synthesis?

1 Answer
Feb 27, 2017

Molecular chaperones are proteins that assist the folding of newly synthesised polypeptides in the crowded cellular environment.


Major function of chaperones is to prevent both newly synthesised polypeptide chains and assembly subunits from aggregating into non functional structures. They are concerned primarily with protein folding.

Functions of molecular chaperones :-
1) Many molecular chaperones are heat shock proteins. Protein folding is severely affected by heat. Some chaperones prevent or correct damage caused by misfolding.

2) Some chaperones support the folding of proteins in an ATP dependent manner. They are called foldases.

3) Holdases are chaperones that bind folding intermediates to prevent their aggregation.

4) Some chaperones are involved in transport across membranes.

5) Chaperones may also assist in protein degradation , bacterial adhesion activity and in responding to diseases linked to protein aggregation and cancer maintenance.