What is the pons?

1 Answer
Aug 6, 2014

The brain stem is composed of three major parts that include the midbrain, pons , and medulla oblongata.

The brain stem serves as a pathway for fiber tracts running to (sensory impulses) and from (motor impulses) the cerebrum and is the site where many cranial nerves arise.

  1. Midbrain

  2. Pons
    a. bulging portion of brain stem; " bridge " or pathway of conduction tracts;
    b. location of pneumotaxic area (breathing and breathing rhythm). Some think that generation of dreams begin here.

  3. Medulla (Oblongata)

Damage to the pons can cause complete failure of the respiratory system.

A number of cranial nerve nuclei are present in the pons:

  1. the 'chief' or 'pontine' nucleus of the trigeminal nerve sensory nucleus (V)
  2. the motor nucleus for the trigeminal nerve (V)
  3. abducens nucleus (VI)
  4. facial nerve nucleus (VII)
  5. vestibulocochlear nuclei (vestibular nuclei and cochlear nuclei) (VIII)
