What is the square root of 4?

1 Answer
Sep 6, 2015

2 and -2 are square roots of 4. The principal square root of 4, (denoted sqrt4) is 2


A number is a square root of 4 is, when multiplied by itself, the result is 4.

In notation: n is a square root of 4 if n^2 = n xx n = 4

There are two numbers that will work 2 xx 2 = 4 and also -2 xx -2 = 4 so the numbers 2 and -2 are square roots of 4. When people talk about the square root of 4, they usually mean the number whose complete name is "the principal square root of 4.

The principal square root of a (positive) number is the non-negative square root. The symbol sqrt_ denoted the principal square root.

So sqrt4 = 2

Here on Socratic to type sqrt4 use the hashtag # before and after sqrt4. I you want some arithmetic under the square root symbol, use parentheses:

no parentheses: hashtag sqrt9+16 hashtag gets sqrt9+16

With parentheses hashtag sqrt(9+16) hashtag gets sqrt(9+16)