Simplification of Radical Expressions

Key Questions

  • Generally, you don't want to have radical at the denominators. So, let's say that we want to simplify the expression ab, where a and b can be any expression you want. Since, of course, bb=1, we can multiply it without changing the value of our expression, so we have ab=abbb. The advantage is that now we observe that bb=b, and so our expression becomes abb, and we got rid of the radical at the denominator.

  • Expression with a a square root , cubed root or other fractional exponents in the expression

  • This is easy! If you want to multiply this are the rules: First coefficients are multiplied with each other and the sub-radical amounts each other, placing the latter product under the radical sign common and the result is simplified.

    Let's go: 25 times 310




    Now if you want to divide, then the coefficients are divided among themselves and sub-radical amounts each other, placing the latter quotient under the radical common and the result is simplified.

    2381x7 by 333x2



    I hope you can find it useful, and here is a link to solve this ones with different indices.

  • There are two common ways to simplify radical expressions, depending on the denominator.

    Using the identities a2=a and (ab)(a+b)=a2b2, in fact, you can get rid of the roots at the denominator.

    Case 1: the denominator consists of a single root. For example, let's say that our fraction is 3xx+3. If we multply this fraction by x+3x+3, we won't change its value (since of course x+3x+3=1, but we can rewrite it as follows:
    3xx+3x+3x+3=3xx+3x+32, and finally obtain

    Case 2: the denominator consists of a sum/difference of roots. If we multiply by the difference/sum of the roots, we'll have the same result as above. For example, if you have


    You'll multiply numerator and denominator by the difference xsin(x), and obtain

    cos(x)x+sin(x)xsin(x)xsin(x) which is


    which finally equals


    Of course, when working with radicals, you always need to pay attention and make sure that the argument of the root is positive, otherwise you will write things that have no meaning!
