What is the value of #8 4/15+11 3/10#?

1 Answer
Jan 7, 2017



#19 17/30#


The first step for solving this problem is to convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions by multiplying the integer portion of the mixed fraction by the correct form of #1# and then adding this to the fraction portion of the mixed fraction:

#((8 xx 15/15) + 4/15) + (( 11 xx 10/10) + 3/10) ->#

#(120/15 + 4/15) + (110/10 + 3/10) ->#

#124/15 + 113/10#

Now, we need to put each of these fractions over a common denominator (for this problem #30#) in order to be able to add the fractions:

#(2/2 xx 124/15) + (3/3 xx 113/10) ->#

#248/15 + 339/30#

We can now add the fractions:

#(248 + 339)/30 ->#



#(570 + 17)/30 ->

#570/30 + 17/30 ->#

#19 + 17/30#

#19 17/30#