Which two elements have similar characteristics?

Which two elements have similar characteristics?

  • H
  • Si
  • Ca
  • Kr
  • Ba

2 Answers
Jun 17, 2018

Ca e Ba


Two elements have similiar characteristics when they belong to the same family that means that have placed in the same column of the periodic table. On the periodic table you can also find some chemical-phisic characteristics like electronegativity, density, melting point...
Ca and Ba are earth -alcaline metals and have similiar characteristics: are solid rather reactive with a basic features in water.
H is a reducing reactive gas
Kr is an almost inert gas
Si is a few reactive solid, insoluble in water

Jun 17, 2018

Barium and Calcium


When heated with chlorine,

Both calcium and barium are able to form ionic bonds.

Hydrogen can only form bonds that are partial positive. It is not strong enough to be considered an ionic bond.

Silicon forms strong covalent with chlorine, called silicon tetrachloride. The structure is in diamond form which requires a lot of heat energy to break the bonds are way more than energy needed to break the bonds between calcium chloride.

Krypton is an inert element which does not form bonds with any elements under standard conditions.