Why are accounts being deleted? [Recent changes]

I usually don't check my secondary email that often but when I checked today there was an email from socratic about updated terms of service and it also says that I have to accept the terms within 24 hours or my account will be deleted along with my answers. Unfortunately, I saw the email after 2 days and when I tried to log in it said the user wasn't found which implies it was deleted as the notice said.

I just want to know the purpose of deleting accounts with multiple answers and reputation for not accepting the updated terms of service? This move is very amateurish and not something you expect from a company. I have seen other companies updating their terms of service but never seen anyone deleting the users' account for not accepting it in certain amount of time. They usually make you accept the terms the next time you log in or use their service. I feel the team behind socratic didn't think through a lot of factors and just deleted accounts. I had over 100 answers and all of them are gone. I had a good time on socratic while it lasted and won't be back. Thanks

1 Answer
Mar 2, 2018

That's what it came down to...


First of all, let me say that I am truly sorry that you lost your account and your content--there's really nothing that I can say to put a positive spin on that because that would not be appropriate, so I'll just try to explain why this happened.

Just in case you haven't seen this post, you can find some info on this move in this answer.

Basically, these were the terms negotiated with the company's lawyers. All accounts belonging to users who do not accept the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy by March 1, 2018 and the content posted on the site by these users--questions, answers, edits, comments, thank-you notes--must be deleted.

The team tried to reach out to as many users as possible to prevent this from happening. As of February 17, all users who logged in were asked to agree to the ToS and the PP--this is exactly what you're describing as being the customary approach.

In an effort to reach inactive users, the team sent out notification emails. The rest is history.

Long story short, the decision to delete accounts and content did not come from the team, it came from the lawyers. Mind you, this is not and should not be taken as an excuse, it's just an explanation. They pretty much had to do it--and to their credit, they worked hard to minimize the impact of the deletion process.

Amateurish move? Fair enough (and kinda well deserved).