#y_n=log x_n, n =2,3,4,...and y_n-(n-1)/n y_(n-1)=1/n log n#, with #y_2=log sqrt2#, how do you prove that #x_n=(n!)^(1/n)#?

1 Answer
Jan 24, 2017

By induction


Note that as #y_n = log(x_n)#, we have #x_n = e^(y_n)# (assuming the natural logarithm. Using a different base will not change the structure of the proof, however). Additionally, note that #y_n = 1/nlog(n)+(n-1)/ny_(n-1)# by the second given relation.

Proof: (By induction)

Base Case: For #n=2#, we are given #y_2 = log(sqrt(2))#, meaning

#x_2 = e^log(sqrt(2)) = sqrt(2) = (2!)^(1/2)#

Inductive Hypothesis: Suppose that #x_k = (k!)^(1/k)# for some integer #k>=2#.

Induction Step: We wish to show that #x_(k+1) = [(k+1)!]^(1/(k+1))#. Indeed, examining #y_(k+1)#, we have

#y_(k+1) = 1/(k+1)log(k+1)+k/(k+1)y_k#







meaning #x_(k+1) = e^(y_(k+1)) = [(k+1)!]^(1/(k+1))#, as desired.

We have supposed true for #k# and shown true for #k+1#, thus, by induction, #x_n = (n!)^(1/n)# for all integers #n>=2#.