Question #2a65a

1 Answer
Feb 20, 2014

To determine the bond order, you subtract the antibonding electrons from the bonding electrons and divide by 2.

The formula for bond order is

Bond Order = ½(b - a)

where b is the number of bonding electrons and a is the number of antibonding electrons.

You first draw the molecular orbital diagram for the molecule. Let’s use C₂ as an example.

You put the eight valence electrons in the lowest orbitals: #2sσ#, #2sσ^✳#, #2pσ#, #2pπ#.

You have six bonding and two antibonding electrons. The bond order is

Bond Order = ½(b - a), = ½(6 – 2) = ½ × 4 = 2


Calculate the bond order in C₂²⁺.


Here we have only six valence electrons. They are in the #2sσ#, #2sσ^✳#, and #2pσ# orbitals. This makes four bonding and two antibonding electrons.

Bond Order=½(b - a), = ½(4 – 2) = ½ × 2 = 1