Question #b6ac9
1 Answer
Good question
Atoms of most of the elements exist in the form of molecule or ion, since they are most reactive. For example, hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, etc. However, atoms of some elements, which are non-reactive, exist in free-state in nature. For example helium, neon, argon, etc.
Usually atoms are exist in following two forms -
• In the form of molecules
• In the form of ions
Molecules of elements: When two of more atoms of same element combine to form a molecule these are called molecules of element.
Hydrogen molecule (H2). Hydrogen molecule (H2). Molecule of hydrogen is formed by the combination of two hydrogen atoms.
Oxygen molecule (O2). Molecule of oxygen is formed by the combination of two oxygen atoms.
Sulphur molecule (S8). Molecule of sulphur is formed by the combination of eight sulphur atoms.
Phosphorus molecule (P4). Molecule of phosphorous is formed by the combination of four phosphorus atoms.
Molecules of some non-reactive elements are formed by single atom. For example – helium, neon, argon, etc. molecules: Molecules of metals formed as big cluster of atoms. They are represented by their symbols simply. For example: Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), etc. These molecules are known as giant molecules.
Carbon is a non-metal, but it also exists as giant molecule and represented by its symbol ‘C’.
Monoatomic: When molecule is formed by single atom only, it is called monoatomic molecule. Generally noble gas forms monoatomic molecules. For example: Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Kr (Krypton), Xenon (Xe), Randon (Rn).
Diatomic: When molecule is formed by the cDiatomic: When molecule is formed by the combination of two atoms of it is called diatomic molecule. For example: Hydrogen (H2), Oxygen (O2), Nitrogen (N2), Chlorine (Cl2), etc.
Triatomic: When moleucule is formed by the combination of three atoms it is called triatomic molecule. For example: molecule of ozone (O3)
Tetra-atomic:- When molecule is formed by the combination of four atoms it is called tetra-atomic molecule. For example: Phosphorous molecule (P4)
Polyatomic:- When molecule is formed by the combination of more than two atoms, it is called polyatomic molecule. For example: Sulphur molecule (S8)