Firstly, consider the first term. Since it's 2x2, there are only two linear factors that it can be 'broken down' into: x and 2x. Thus we can re-write the expression 2x2−x−15 as (2x+a)(x+b) where a and b are real numbers to be determined
Consider the last term. In order to get a negative number, we need one positive and one negative number. Thus, if a is positive, b is negative and vice versa.
Now lets think about the factors that make up 15.
Now guess-and-check (not much to do) which combination (1 and 15 or 3 and 5) will give −1 (coefficient of center term), that is, which a and b will fit the expression a+2b=−1. Remember that if a is positive, b is negative and so on. With some luck you should get:
5+2(−3)=−1, a=5, b=−3