What effect did the Opium Wars have on China?
1 Answer
The Opium Wars ended with China losing money and a colony.
- Britain transported Opium to China however, the emperor of China disliked the fact people of his country were using Opium so he ordered his men to burn the at least 20,000 barrels of Opium transported. The Great Britain waged war with China.
- China ended up losing and having to sign the Treaty of Nanjing.
- China has to pay
$21 million for the lost Opium. - 5 new foreign trade were opened
- Hong Kong became Britain's colony
- Britain has *extraterritoriality on China
*Extraterritoriality- jurisdiction from the state's law. An example would be if a British man committed crime in China, he wouldn't be arrested but sent to Britain, where the man will be judged.
- China fought against Britain and France. A Chinese crew prisoner was taken by the Chinese officials from the British and a French missionary was murdered in Guangxi. Both countries took this as an insult and excuse to wage war.
- China once again lost and was forced to sign the Treaty of Tianjin at 1858.
- 11 Chinese ports would be opened to foreigners.
- Religious freedom granted to Christians in China
- Foreign vessels are allowed to navigate in the Yangtze River.
Apologies for lacking info as some of the info was from my notes in AP
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