Is chromatin the same as a chromosome?

2 Answers
Jun 2, 2015

Chromatin is the unwound DNA that is present in the cell during the cell's normal "growth and development" stage.

Chromosomes are super-condensed DNA that is present in the cell during cell division.


About 200 base pairs in each DNA strand wrap around groups of small protein molecules called histones.

They form a series of bead-like structures, called nucleosomes, connected by the DNA strand.

The string of nucleosomes is then coiled into an even denser structure known as a solenoid.

The solenoid structure then coils to form a long, thin, hollow tube called chromatin (Greek khroma "colour", because it stains with basic dyes).


The chromatin strands make copies of themselves by DNA replication.

The DNA forms compact, coiled, thick, ribbon-like structures called chromosomes (Greek chroma + soma "body", because they can be stained for the microscope).

The shortest human chromosome contains #4.6 × 10^7 "base pairs"# of DNA.

This corresponds to 14 000 µm of DNA. Since the chromosome is about 2 µm long, the final packing ratio is 7000 (14,000/2).

Mar 13, 2016



Chromatin is unpaired, they are uncoiled, long and thin sturctures inside the nucleus, it can be found throughout the whole cell cycle.When it undergoes further condensation it forms the chromosome. Chromosomes are condensed Chromatin Fibers. They are paired, coiled, thick and ribbon-like structure. It is distinctly visible during cell division mainly the metaphase, and anaphase.

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