How do you make a table to graph # f(x) = 2 - e ^ (x / 2)#?

1 Answer
Mar 26, 2016

See below


Set a #nxx2# or 2xxn table with column 1 for #x# and column 2 #f(x)# Then for every value of x evaluate #f(x) = 2-e^(X/2)#
For example for when

#x=0# then #f(x) = 2-e^0=1#
#x=1# then #f(x) = 2-e^1/2~~.351#
#x=1# then #f(x) = 2-e^1~~-.718#

#[(x), (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)][(f(x)), (1), (.351), (-.718), (2-e^(3/2)), (2-e^(2)), (2-e^(5))]#

#[(x, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, cdots ), (f(x),1, 2-e^(1/2), 2-e, 2-e^(3/2), 2-e^(2), cdots) ] #

I tried to show you this primitive vertical and horizontal tables, best way to make a table to graph may be microsoft excel or google docs.
Try it...