#rho_"glycerol"=1.20*g*mL^-1#. What volume is associated with a #43.7*g# mass?

1 Answer
May 23, 2016

Approx. #36*mL#


#"Density, "rho# #=# #"Mass"/"Volume"#

Thus #"Volume"# #=# #"Mass"/rho#

#=# #(43.7*g)/(1.20*g*mL^-1)# #=# #??mL#.

Note that this answer is consistent dimensionally. We were asked to find a volume. We got an answer in #mL#, which is an internal check that we have made the right calculation.

As you can see, #rho_"glycerol"# is greater than #rho_"water"#. Glycerol is a sticky and viscous liquid; it is also infinitely soluble in water. Can you suggest a reason why glycerol should have these properties?