Carly had some chocolates. She gave 178 chocolates to her neighbour and 2/5 of the remainder to her daughter. With the remaining chocolates, she gave 1/3 of the chocolates to her son and then had 256 chocolates left. How many chocolates had she at first?

2 Answers
Sep 25, 2016

Carly had #818# chocolates


Let Carly had #x# chocolates.

She gave #178# chocolates to her neighbour.

Remaining are #x-178# and as #2/5# of #(x-178)# were given to her daughter,

remaining were #1-2/5=(5-2)/5=3/5# of #(x-178)#

i.e. #(3(x-178))/5# are left

Now #1/3# of #(3(x-178))/5# were given to son

remaining were #1-1/3=(3-1)/3=2/3# of #(3(x-178))/5#

i.e. #2/3xx(3(x-178))/5# are left.

Hence #2/3xx(3(x-178))/5=256#

Hence, #x-178=256xx3/2xx5/3# or


and #x=640+178=818#

Carly had #818# chocolates

Oct 4, 2016

The number of chocolates she started with is 818


Breaking the question down into its component parts:

Carly had some chocolates: #-> ? #
She gave 178 to her neighbour: #->color(red)([?-178]" left(remainder)")#


#color(green)(2/5" of the remainder to her daughter:")#
#->color(red)([?-178]) color(green)(-2/5[?-178])" "color(purple)( =" "3/5[?-178]" left")#


#color(olive)("With the remaining she gave "1/3" to her son:")#
#->color(purple)(3/5[?-178])color(olive)(-1/3(3/5[?-178]))" "=" "2/5[?-178]" left"#

then she had 256 chocolates left:#->2/5[?-178]" "=" "256#

Cross multiply (same as multiply both sides by #5/2#

#[?-178]" "=" "5/2xx256#

Add 178 to both sides

#? =[5/2xx256]+178#
