A bone was found to be approximately 24000 years old. The current amount of carbon-14 in the bone was 5.000 atoms. How many atoms must the bone have had originaly, assuming that the half-life of carbon-14 is approximately 6000 years?

2 Answers
Nov 22, 2016

About 80 atoms.


The equation for 1st order decay is:


Taking natural logs of both sides rArr


sf(lambda) is the decay constant which is inversely related to the 1/2 life:


We need to find sf(N_0) so:



From which:


Nov 23, 2016

Probably 80 thousand as opposed to 80.


Michael's answer is mathematically correct but (as I commented there), 5.000 may mean five thousand as rendered in Europe. Assuming the usual measurement techniques for C-14 we probably could not resolve five atoms in the measurenent but could resolve five thousand.