What biomes are monkeys found in?
1 Answer
Monkeys and primates in general are found in multiple types of biomes.
Monkeys and primates in general are found in multiple types of biomes. They are found throughout South America, Africa, and Asia.
Some of the biomes monkeys can be found in are more predictable, such as savanna and tropical forests. Others may be more surprising.
Japanese macaques are also called snow monkeys. They are found in subarctic forests and deciduous forests.

Japanese macaque range:
The golden snub-nosed monkey lives in temperate forests in the mountains of central and SW China. They inhabit coniferous forests and deciduous forests.
Golden snub-nosed monkey range:
Patas monkeys inhabit grassland and savanna habitat as well as desert areas and the edges of forests.
Pats monkey distribution:
To conclude, monkeys live in a variety of habitat types, ranging from very dry grasslands to tropical forests to coniferous forests to savannas.