How construct simultaneous equations from worded problems?

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Can someone please explain to me how to do question 17 and 14? Answer this and I will love you forever!enter image source here

1 Answer
Feb 2, 2017

Problem 17 set up:

You are given that there are 3 types of tea.
Let x = the mass (in kilograms) of the tea for $10 per kilogram
Let y = the mass (in kilograms) of the tea for $11 per kilograms
Let z = the mass (in kilograms) of the tea for $12 per kilograms

The phrase "so as to obtain 100 kilograms" allows us to write equation [1]:

#x + y + z = 100# kilograms [1]

The phrase "100 kilograms worth $11.20 per kilograms" means that the blend will cost:

#(100" kilograms")/1($11.20)/(1 "kilograms") = ?#

Please notice how the kilograms cancel:

#(100cancel" kilograms")/1($11.20)/(1cancel" kilograms") = ?#

The only remaining unit is dollars:

#(100)/1($11.20)/(1) = $1120#

This allows us to write equation [2]:

#$10x + $11y + $12z = $1120# [2]

The phrase "If the same amounts of the two higher prices teas are used" allows us to write equation [3]:

#y = z# [3]

Here are your 3 linear equations:

#x + y + z = 100# kilograms [1]
#$10x + $11y + $12z = $1120# [2]
#y = z# [3]

Problem 14 setup:

Let x = the number of shirts
Let y = the number of ties

Selling everything for $10000 tells us that the right side of the equation [1] is $10000. The prices $100 for 3 shirts and $20 per tie tells us that the coefficients are #($100)/3# for x and $20 for y:

#($100)/3x + $20y = $10000# [1]

For the second equation, multiply x by #1/2#, multiply y by #2/3# and make the right side $6000

#($100)/3(1/2)x + $20(2/3)y = $6000# [2]

Simplify equation [2]:

#($50)/3x + ($40)/3y = $6000# [2]

Here are your two linear equations:

#($100)/3x + $20y = $10000# [1]
#($50)/3x + ($40)/3y = $6000# [2]