How can #"E/Z"# isomers arise?

1 Answer
Feb 2, 2017

Consider the simple molecule #"2-butylene..........."#


Now for #H_3C-CH=CH-CH_3# we can have 2 geometric isomers:

#"cis-2-butylene"# or #"Z-butene"#; or #"trans-2-butylene"# or #"E-butene"#

For both isomers, the connectivity is MANIFESTLY the same: #C1# connects to #C2# #C4#. However, the geometry is manifestly different, and this geometric isomerism gives rise to different physical and chemical properties.

For example, #"cis-2-butene"# has a boiling point of #3.7# #""^@C#; on the other hand, #"trans-2-butene"# has a boiling point of #0.9# #""^@C#;